Crafted for comfort, engineered for efficiency.
Open-cell spray foam offers excellent air sealing and soundproofing while allowing for moisture permeability and breathability.
Closed-cell spray foam provides superior insulation, moisture resistance, and structural strength with an impermeable barrier.
With some notable contingencies, spray foam is easily the most performant and flexible insulation system on the market today. It provides superior thermal performance, reduces energy bills, and improves indoor air quality by preventing air infiltration and moisture intrusion. Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) forms as an exothermic chemical reaction between a polyol resin and a reactant and rapidly expands to fill whatever substrate its sprayed against. This conformance factor creates an airtight seal to eliminate drafts. Spray foam comes in various formulations (density, yield, water-resistance) that are specifically tailored to different residential, commercial and industrial use cases.
New Construction
Our most common application settings for spray foam insulation in Madison, AL and nearby areas involve custom residential and commercial new construction. We work with our clients at the early stage of the build to help determine the proper use case for foam insulation, and how to design compatible HVAC systems. We've worked with some of the best builders in the country on hundreds and hundreds of high-end, custom projects. We're fully capable of devising spray foam solutions for even the most challenging builds.
Home Retrofits
An effective way to massively reduce home energy bills in an existing home is to encapsulate the roof deck with an appropriate level of spray foam. For home retrofits, we remove all existing attic insulation (once the foam is in place, you don't want all that nasty particulate matter trapped inside the airspace) and apply the spray foam, creating a "conditioned" attic space sealed off from the outside. This normally results in improved air quality and up to 40% reduction in HVAC usage.
Commercial Applications
From schools to office spaces to massive warehouses, capital-intensive projects require contractors with experience and creativity that can deliver quality services in short order. With the versatility of spray foam insulation in Huntsville, AL, we provide commercial contractors with the means of completely weatherizing and insulating their build. From exterior CMU spray foam to aesthetic interior sprayed ceilings, we have the knowledge and capabilities to deliver the project to spec.
Industrial Applications
Higher-density polyurethane foams lend themselves to projects that require extreme performance, such as agricultural installations, civil infrastructure, and industrial coolant facilities. We can provide the material, the equipment, and the expertise to operate in sensitive, high-pressure environments.
The best time for spray foam insulation Madison, AL contractors is during a new build; this is when gaps and penetrations are still exposed and can be targeted to insulate. Though Open Cell foam is more commonly used in residential applications (largely as a matter of cost), Closed Cell is the more viable and higher-performance option where desired (pictured here). When paired with an ERV or other HVAC fresh air intake, a full foam encapsulation dramatically reduces utility usage, creates comfortable, homogenous temperatures throughout the house, and allows for totally usable conditioned attic space. While marginally more expensive than traditional insulation, a full foam encapsulation usually pays for itself within four to six years.
Our medium-density exterior-applied closed cell foams are ideally suited to CMU, standard 8" block, cast-in-place concrete, or bituminous block wall assemblies. This capitalizes on the strength of mineral-based wall systems and augments them with enhanced thermal performance and an auxiliary weather-proof barrier (completely circumventing the need for other damp-proofing solutions). By virtue of its water and thermal resistance, this also serves as an excellent solution for below-grade damp-proofing and basement insulation.
Compared to standard foam-board underslab insulation, spray-applied, high-density closed cell foam brings a bevy of additional benefits. While providing the same excellent R-value per inch (absolutely necessary for any radiant floor heating), it simultaneously adds a tensile structural value to the slab. By "gluing" together the layer of gravel and sediment beneath the concrete, the SPF mitigates settling over time and prevents hairline fractures to the slab. Since it's monolithically applied, it also eliminates the need for any additional vapor barriers.